Acting as a business enabler to proactively co-create and drive business values with regulatory resources, RGM plays an active role to foster Siemens image and make Siemens a trusted and reliable partner for government and business stakeholders in defined regions.
What will you do if join us?
Position Siemens by leveraging Unique Selling Points (USP) to create, expand and defend market and to mitigate regulatory risks:
Represent the company towards government, media and customers e.g., public speech, keynote presentation;
Advise on critical issues of regional political and economic development e.g., local growth priorities and future investment/project focus;
Drive advocacy for Siemens position as thought leader in local context e.g., new market opened with Siemens USP and policy risk mitigated;
Engage local government on topics with important business interest e.g., lead policy dialogue, project terms and conditions changed and hit-rate improved;
Coordinate and set up political dialogues for executive management e.g., impactful high-level government meeting and valuable MoU signing;
Safeguard compliant operation of regional offices e.g. office stamp use, government down-raid and other emergent handling;
Grow business by driving and supporting focus projects with government influence (G2B) to enhance their Go / Hit-Rate:
Identify and shape emerging projects through governmental resources e.g., provincial/municipal key project list – explore top down opportunities;
Co-create unique selling points to promote tangible business interests e.g., new opportunities derived from high-level meetings and MoUs;
Drive focus projects as jointly defined with OpCo. regional teams e.g., consecutive support with DI moves and enhanced hit-rate;
Lead executive selling to key accounts and cross-OpCo projects e.g. door-opening of potential customers;
Explore new business incl. digitalization, industrial verticals e.g. Mindsphere application, new business models;
Drive x-OpCo sales push programs in cooperation with OpCos e.g. share-wallet enlarged through sharing and collaboration among team;
主控硬件和传感器开发应用工程师 40000-50000元黄浦区 应届毕业生 不限四川博纳致达信息科技有限公司
Inventory Records Coordinator 面议浦东新区 应届毕业生 不限卡特彼勒(吴江)有限公司
月入过万不是梦,底薪 高提成 公平晋升 面议嘉定区 应届毕业生 不限四川链家房地产经纪有限公司
酶分子定向进化方向资深研发人员 20000-40000元松江区 应届毕业生 博士上海碧云天生物技术有限公司
与行业先锋同行,收入有保障,各种福利假 面议嘉定区 应届毕业生 不限四川链家房地产经纪有限公司
高薪诚聘年轻有活力,期待挑战高薪的伙伴加入 面议嘉定区 应届毕业生 不限四川链家房地产经纪有限公司