简介:关于利戴工业技术服务 定制化服务和高素质人才的独特组合使我们成为汽车行业及其供应商的首选合作伙伴。目前,我们在全球200多个驻地为客户整车及零部件生产设备商提供服务。 关于利戴工业技术服务中国 利戴工业技术服务(上海)有限公司(原福伊特工业技术服务(上海)有限公司)是全球领先的工业服务供应商之一,成立于1998年,拥有1600多名员工,在全国20多个城市,50多个服务基地为汽车动力总成厂,整车厂及零部件制造厂提供一体化工业技术服务。服务范围涵盖生产设备维修维护,技术设施管理及运营,技术清洁与预防性维护,生产制造支持,电气与机械安装,拆卸/安装及搬迁,自动化整体解决方案等各个方面。 我们的工业服务专家熟知汽车制造业的专业流程与工艺,与客户保持着长期的友好合作关系,是大众、宝马、奔驰和戴姆勒等知名汽车制造企业的长期合作伙伴。秉承着“为客户创造更多价值”的服务理念,凭借我们在全球汽车行业几十年的丰富服务经验以及因地制宜的本土化战略,近年来,以每年平均25%以上的业务增长为客户带来了更高质量的定制服务。 About Leadec Industrial Services A unique combination of customized services and highly qualified personnel makes us the preferred partner of automobile manufacturers and automotive industry suppliers. Today, we provide services in more than 200 of our customers' vehicle and component production facilities around the world. About Leadec Industrial Services China Leadec Industrial Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd (Original name: Voith Industrial Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd) is one of the global leading industrial services suppliers. Founded in 1998, our 1600+ employees serve automotive manufacturers and suppliers at 50+ different locations in 20+ cities around China. Leadec Industrial Services provides customized and fully integrated industrial solutions, including production equipment maintenance, technical facility management & operations, technical cleaning, manufacturing support, electrical & mechanical installation, dis-&reassembly, relocation and automation solutions, etc. Our industrial services experts are familiar with the professional process and the process of car manufacturing, maintaining a long- term friendly cooperative relations with well-known automobile manufacturing enterprises, such as Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes and Daimler.
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